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Estate Planning Alternatives to Avoid Guardianship

This article discusses the need for protection as we age, what guardianship is and how powers of attorney (POAs) are alternative estate planning strategies that give you more control.
05/30/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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How Do I Create End-of-Life Plan?

Research shows that fewer than one-third of U.S. residents have advanced-care directives or detailed medical instructions in case they can’t communicate their own wishes.
05/24/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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Who Is the Best Choice for Executor?

Above all, you should choose someone you trust, keeping in mind that acting as a trustee or executor can be a complex, thankless and sometimes long-term job.
05/24/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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Estate Planning for Family Landowners

As a landowner, planning for the future and ensuring that your property is preserved and passed down to future generations is essential. This article explores how estate planning can help landowners safeguard their legacy and ensure continuity for their family farm or ranch.
05/24/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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Can I Afford Long-Term Care?

High healthcare costs often do not align with the fixed income of older individuals, raising concerns about affordability and accessibility. We explore the need for long-term care, why Medicare and Medicaid are not long-term options, and estate planning to plan for skilled nursing care proactively.
05/13/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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Estate Planning for Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline, particularly associated with conditions like Alzheimer's disease, poses significant risks for financial exploitation. This post explores practical estate planning strategies to protect vulnerable individuals when signs of dementia are noticed.
05/10/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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What Estate Planning Documents do I Need?

Incapacity can happen to anyone at any time, but your risk generally increases as you grow older. Consider what would happen if, for example, you were unable to make decisions or conduct your own affairs.
05/10/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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How Much Money Can Be Gifted Tax-Free?

If you’re planning to give your children a financial head start, or support a charitable cause that you’re passionate about, you will need to keep the annual exclusion for gift taxes in mind.
05/10/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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How Do I Support a Child with Special Needs?

Families that include individuals with special needs require planning to secure their loved ones’ security in the future, both in legal and financial terms. There’s usually no expectation of the child becoming an independent adult, so careful planning is needed, as advised in the recent article “Financial Planning for Families with Disabilities” from Wealth Management. Many families neglect planning for their retirement, focusing all their resources on developing a plan for their disabled child. However, retirement and their child’s future need to be secured, which is where an estate planning attorney can help. In 2014, Congress created The Achieving a…
05/03/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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Why is a Will Important?

While many people put off wills until the unattainable ‘later,’ many others simply fail to create a will because they do not really understand what and how the document works.
05/01/24 • by: Vick Law, P.C.
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